How to Turn Your Blog Into a Traffic Machine

If you have a blog then you obviously want as many people as you can possibly get to read it. Clearly there is no reason to post your thoughts online for the world to see if nobody is actually going to read them. You need readers (traffic) or you are wasting your time! That is especially true if it’s a business blog that you are actually trying to earn money from either directly or indirectly.

But, how do you go about getting visitors to your blog? There are actually many ways to get traffic if you are willing to put in the time and effort.

So, here are 5 proven strategies for how to turn your blog into a traffic generating machine…

1) Publish Informative and Useful Posts

One of the best ways to get more visitors to your blog is to write posts that are worth reading, sharing, and linking. They need to be full of valuable information, useful to the reader, entertaining, etc… Depending on the purpose of your blog and your target readership.

Nobody is going to read or share your posts if they are worthless. So don’t post crap just for the sake of getting a post published. It’s important to post often but it’s far more important to post quality over quantity.

2) Create and Publish Videos

Online videos are huge these days and they are only going to get more popular as time goes on. More than 65% of all internet traffic is derived from videos right now, which is a very high percentage already, but it’s going to continue rising. So you need to publish videos on your blog and other sites, such as YouTube, in order to increase the traffic.

The same tips above for the articles apply to the videos. They must be worth watching and sharing, or they are useless. One good way to make it easier for you to create videos is to simply use the blog posts you write and turn them into videos. Expand on the information in front of a camera and post them on YouTube with a link in the description back to your blog. That way you get more than twice as far with essentially the same content.

3) Use Social Media Marketing

One of the fastest and easiest ways to get more visitors to your blog is through the use of social media websites. These include sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and others like that. Create a profile, and build up a network of friends and followers.

Then, engage with your network frequently, share valuable content, post useful tips, be entertaining, share their stuff, and so on. Basically just keep yourself in front of them in a positive way. Link back to your blog on each of your profile pages and any other time it is appropriate.

Remember not to overdo it with links to your blog all the time, or you will be considered a spammer and lose your followers very quickly. It’s important to give more than you take.

4) Participate in Niche Related Forums

Another great way to turn your blog into a traffic generating machine is to become an active participant in forums related to your niche. Then, you will want to make frequent and valuable posts in order to build up a very solid reputation for yourself. Simply answer questions related to your industry. This will make people want to seek you out and visit your blog or website in order to learn more information about what you have to offer.

5) SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

This is the holy grail of internet marketing and blogging, and the one thing people strive for the most when trying to get traffic to any blog or website. You would be very hard pressed to build a successful online business blog without a good SEO foundation. There is no denying that SEO is the highest return on investment that almost any business can have with their marketing or advertising campaigns. I would go a bit further into what SEO is but it’s such a complicated process that no one article can do it justice. Please contact us to learn more about search engine optimization and how it can help you or your company.

Alright, now you have 5 great tips for how to turn your blog into a traffic machine so you can make money online and build a better future for yourself. If you do all five things above on a consistent basis, you will definitely get a lot more people to read your blog and it will certainly become far more successful.

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