Life and business is easier when you know how to intimately work with people on deeper levels. It’s also much more rewarding, financially, personal and professionally. When you can help people go from where they are at, to where they want to be, it changes their life.
All of your local CoolSculpting Leads want a change.
They are asking for it. But sometimes it’s hard for people to follow through with their own wants and desires. Life happens. This world is busy. Fast. Moving quicker everyday with competing values like work, family, friends, events, and the everyday hustle and bustle…
Getting to know people deeply and on an emotional level will help you understand what motivates them. What make’s them “tick”. When you give them space to open up to you, you will find everything you need. Then it’s up to you to help that person go from where they are at, to where they want to be.
In body contouring, people are upset with where their bodies are at. The pain they feel from seeing it everyday, is real to them. It’s annoying. Bulging… Rubs together… Hangs… Feels uncomfortable and makes them insecure.
People don’t want to feel this way and the physical transformation will help them get to where they want to be.
Here’s a video of the tools you can use to help people stop themselves from self sabotaging their desires of change and transformation with guilt, grief, fear of regret, or being taken advantage of. They need a friend. They need you. In this video you will see the tools to help people get what they want.