7 Important Tips When Using Jasper.ai

Writing is hard and time-consuming. Even if you’re an amazing writer, it’s likely that you don’t have the time to write all of your content.

Jasper (formerly Jarvis) can help by acting as your writing assistant! It uses artificial intelligence to create engaging, human-like content in seconds. This means that instead of spending hours on research, crafting a message, and then putting it together into a blog post or article – with Jasper, you can spend less than 10 minutes telling it what kind of content you want to be written about your business topic and get back something five times better than anything you could do yourself! 

With this AI software tool at your disposal, creating incredible articles will be easy as pie. Plus because this is AI technology, there are no limits on how much content Jasper can generate either. You’ll never run out of fresh material again!

Don’t get confused though – it won’t “magically” write articles for you. Sure, it can crank a few sentences, but for it to come up with awesome content, Jasper needs your awesome mind to feed him instructions. With that in mind, here are 7 important tips to put into practice when using Jasper.ai as your writing assistant:

1) Tell Jasper What EXACTLY You Want Him to Write

The huge majority of Jasper users love the product; on the other hand, some may say that Jasper writes a chunk of garbage. Here’s the thing – the output that you get from Jasper when you hit that compose button all depends on the input that you’re feeding him. Guide Jasper on what you need him to write.

Jasper.ai is an assistant – not a robot! Rather than treating Jasper as your senior copywriter, think of him as your copywriting assistant. If you have “Boss Mode” turned on, one of its best features is that it can understand basic human commands. You can write “write an introduction about [YOUR TOPIC HERE] in a [TONE OF VOICE]. Alternatively, you can use the “content description/brief” box located on the left side of your screen to feed Jasper data and information that it needs to come up with some kickass content.

The better your input is, the better your outputs will be. There might be a little bit of a learning curve in the beginning, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll be producing content faster than you’ve ever done before!

2) Fact Check – Always

Yes, Jasper can write on almost any topic with an output that depends on what your inputs are. However, there are times that Jasper will most likely come up with some information that aren’t factual. Jasper is more of a creative writing tool, rather than a factual one. You may still have to manually check the facts before hitting the publish button on your blog.

Jasper will analyze the information that has been fed to him, look for patterns and use it to write content. It’s not always black-and-white though – sometimes he will come back with pretty accurate information based on your inputs, sometimes, it’ll start placing random data and numbers.

3) Utilize Blog Outlines

Blog outlines are a great way to organize your thoughts and ideas before you start writing.  You can use blog outlines to create your own or you can use the ones that are already available. That way, all of your ideas will be in one place so it’ll be easier for Jasper to understand what kind of content you need him to write about.

Pro Tip: Jasper is equipped with different templates, and you can use the “Blog Post Outline” template to help you come up with a blog outline. Alternatively, if you have Boss Mode turned on, you can switch to the “power mode view” on your document, or write a command that says “write a blog outline about [YOUR TOPIC].

Use this outline to help you come up with your headings and sub-headings, and fill in these headings with your own sentences coupled with a little bit of Jarvis magic.

4) Know Basic Jasper Commands

Jasper has a powerful set of commands – but in order to get the most out of it, you need to know at least what these basic commands are. Mastering how to use Jasper well is like learning any new software program; there are shortcuts that can be used and certain functions that will make your life easier when using this tool!

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to know the basic commands. It’ll help you understand how Jarvis works and what kind of tasks you can actually perform with this tool without going through a very long learning curve.

One shortcode that is most helpful is using *** – there are times where Jasper tends to repeat himself. Adding these three asterisks resets the patterns, thus, preventing Jasper to come up with duplicate content.

5) Finish the Bootcamp

I can’t stress this enough. If you’re a new Jasper.ai user, before doing anything else, hop on to the Bootcamp. Chances are, most of your questions are answered there! The Bootcamp is a series of tutorials that you can finish in less than an hour. Once done, you’ll have a better understanding of how Jasper operates, get a gist of how it thinks, thus, helping you better maximize the tool.

6) Use Templates

Our personal favorite is the long-form template, but we found better results when mixing it up by using different templates. You’ll be surprised at how versatile these templates are when it comes to your content and copywriting needs. For instance, we like using the “Quora Answers” template for writing engaging blog post introductions. Don’t get me wrong – the blog post intro paragraph template is pretty good itself, but for topics that are on the “technical” stuff, Quora Answers is my go-to.

Play around with the templates. Most Jasper users have their own favorite set of templates for various writing needs. We suggest that you try everything out for yourself! You might just find a good template or two that is most suited for your writing style.

7) Jasper Recipes Can Save You a Whole Lot of Time!

Jasper Recipes are a great way to save time and effort when it comes to content creation. Think of them as a pre-built workflow that already has the commands that you need for each type of content. For example, if you have a product review blog, you’ll most likely have a chain of commands when writing these reviews. Instead of starting from scratch, you can use these recipes as your workflow, fill in the blanks, feed Jasper the information it needs, and voila!

You can find multiple recipes shared by the community, or you may create your own. If you’re “repeatedly” writing content or if you have a specific format, you can use this feature to save more time.

Final Thoughts…

Content creation can be a daunting task. Writing content, especially when you’re not an expert in the topic, takes time and effort to make it sound natural and engaging. This is where Jasper comes into play – this AI-powered tool helps you take care of your marketing needs, cuts off your writing time, and helps you come up with top-notch copies that sell and content that can outperform your competitors.


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